WP1 Results

Social science for energy island communities

Work Package 1 is responsible for coordinating the project from the administrative, technical and demonstration perspectives, aiming towards achieving effective operation of the project as well as timely delivery of quality results.

Among its tasks WP1 is responsible for the overall project management from an organizational, administrative, and financial point. Moreover, WP1 has to ensure that the Project meets its objectives and challenges with a high output quality. In particular, INETUM performed the project coordination by:

  • Facilitating discussions among WPs;
  • Harmonizing and driving technical work;
  • Reviewing deliverables, control of the final quality of all deliverables, specially focused on the easy-reading aspect, such for technical and non-technical documentation;
  • Leading cross-WP technical discussions at meetings or during calls;
  • Reporting status of activities and critical issues related to project management.


An additional task is intended to give support to the pilot sites in order to ensure their objectives are successfully executed. WP1 deals also with data protection and ethics; this task runs all along the project lifetime in order to ensure the respect of applicable legal provisions on privacy and data protection and to assess eventual ethical issues to increase trust in the solutions proposed.

So far, the WP1 significant results can be summarized as follows:

  • Continuation of the bi-weekly calls, with the representatives of all consortium partners, in order to coordinate the work of all WP leaders, as well as to keep all members up-to-date with the status of the project. These calls were set at the beginning of the project and will be over once the project is complete;
  • Continuation of the maintenance of the collaborative space set up which is described in D.1.1;
  • Application of the Project Management Plan that defines how the project has to be executed, monitored and controlled (D.1.2).
  • Usage of the mailings, one per WP. All WPs have been actively using them to communicate with their partners;
  • Application of the quality plan, assuring that guidelines for financial reporting, presentation of quality measures for deliverables, measures to ensure timely reporting were followed by all partners;
  • During the last 12 months, we have celebrated 3 Project Management Boards:
    • Poznan, Poland: 12 – 15 of June (and P1 review);
    • Passau, Germany: 10 – 12 of October;
    • INETUM Spain, Madrid: 28 Feb – 01 March.