WP9 Results

Evaluation, exploitation and impact

Work Package 9 coordinates the project dissemination and communication activities, the main aim is to ensure broad visibility and increase awareness about project results.

The dissemination activities foreseen during RENergetic project fall in few categories:

  • Website update and social media actions;
  • Industry oriented activities;
  • Academic/scientific articles;
  • Academic presentation;
  • Other publications/non-scientific articles/press
  • Posters/brochures and/or leaflets;
  • Public events;
  • Public deliverables.


Concerning Task 9.1 which is docused on communication, the Project has demonstrates progress towards main objectives. The specific results can be summerized as follows:

  • The dissemination plan, set at project start, continued being applied by the consortium members;
  • The web page, created during the first period of the project, kept growing in content;
  • Our SSNN augmented their number of followers and our messages kept spreading;
  • Regarding the BRIDGE initiative, more interactions took place.


Particularly, the website design has been implemented by University of Pavia following the style guides well described in Deliverable 9.1. The site’s data analysis has been carried out by using Google Analytics tool in order to track website performance and collect visitor insights. Moreover, the website has been adapted and configured to perform also on different mobile devices.

Task 9.2 is aimed to define, plan, promote and monitor all the communication activities that occur within the partners group, as well as with a wide external audience. Summary of progress towards objectives and description of the work performed.

Task 9.3 deals with liaisons, network and collaboration with other initiatives. In this regard, Partners cooperated to various congresses, some specifically oriented to technological topics and others to more general issues. She scientific dissemination has been carries out throughout the cooperation with recosgnized scientific communities and groups (such as, in example, IEEE).