
Successful Physical Installation Event at PUT

In June 2024, Poznan University of Technology (PUT) hosted a dynamic Physical Installation Event as part of the Poznan Pilot initiative. This engaging community and workshop event enabled a space for interaction and connection with students and staff.

The installation served as a central point for engagement, reflecting the physical space of a hub for communities. Attendees were invited to a variety of activities designed to foster interaction and gather feedback. Information about prior pilot activities was shared, and students were invited to participate in surveys and games, adding a fun and interactive element to the day.

A highlight of the event was the free ice-cream, which served as a “sweet” incentive for attendees to stop by and get involved, encouraging more people to participate and learn about the project.

The event was a resounding success, bringing together students, faculty, and community members. It demonstrated the power of physical spaces in fostering community engagement and provided valuable insights for the future of the Poznan Pilot initiative.

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