Uni Mannheim Newspaper articles

“Mannheim: EU grants the university a contract for a large international research project”, rnf, 13.10.2020 https://www.rnf.de/mannheim-eu-erteilt-universitaet-zuschlag-fuer-grosses-internationales-forschungsprojekt-242196/ “Uni Mannheim: EU project for 100% energy self-sufficiency”, Solarserver, October 15, 2020 https://www.solarserver.de/2020/10/15/uni-mannheim-eu-projekt-fuer-100-energieautarkie/

Applying Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM) in RENergetic

Analyzing the different energy domains in pilot sites using SGAM SGAM provides a framework that arranges the architecture of the Smart Grid System from different viewpoints. In combination with the basic Model Driven Architecture (MDA) process, it can be used to develop an appropriate engineering framework that provides support for the development process and a […]